Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Documentary Films. 1914 - 1944. BROUGHT TO ACTION [ETC.]


Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Documentary Films. 1914 - 1944. BROUGHT TO ACTION [ETC.]


Reels 1 and 2 are "Brought to Action" cataloged as 208.109. Reel 3 describes problems of military transport in the CBI theater. Supplies are unloaded at Calcutta and transported north by river barge, railway, and truck. Motor convoys move up the half-finished Ledo Road. Shows Gen. Stilwell and his staff in the jungles of Burma. Troops swim a river pushing equipment-laden rafts. Artillery, mortars, and tanks fire at Japanese installations; infantry moves up; wounded are carried to the rear. Shows Col. Seagrave and his Burmese nurses. Wounded are loaded into transport planes. Supplies are dropped by parachute.

Film Reel

eng, Latn

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